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C++ Developer

Master C++ from scratch and become a programmer.

馃敟 Hot news: In this week, 118 users watched this course.

What you get in this career path

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    C++ step by step - from absolute basics to intermediate-advanced level

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    Accessible and friendly theory in English language

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    Exercises and quizzes to continuously assess your knowledge

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    Tasks and practice challenges, along with sample solutions

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    Lifetime access

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    Certificate of Completion

Turn your desire into excellent C++ proficiency

Do you want to learn C++? Do you need knowledge of this language to pass an exam or work on your own projects? Are you considering a career as a programmer but lacking motivation to take the first step? If so, this career path will be an excellent choice.

With this career path, you will easily take your first steps with the C++ language. You will master the basics, gain programming skills, and build a solid foundation for developing your career as a C++ Developer.

Ideal for beginners

This career path is designed for people like you, who are taking their first steps in programming. All stages of the path are based on simple, accessible theory and numerous exercises. You will start from the simplest "Hello World" and make significant progress in a short time. You will understand professional vocabulary and learn the most important programming concepts - without unnecessary stress, at the pace that suits you best.

Everything you need can be found in this career path: C++ basics, advanced techniques, projects, exercises, and more! So you don't need any additional learning materials.

Why it's worth learning C++

C++ is one of the longest-standing languages on the market. Its unique capabilities make it suitable for many applications, especially where performance matters. That's why it is used for creating games, libraries, drivers, operating systems, and more. There's plenty of work in C++, especially in specialized applications.

How this Career Path Works

The step-by-step career path will guide you through all stages of learning C++. Access to materials is possible from any device and location. You can repeat the material in the path without restrictions because you have lifetime access to it. Codenga career paths are a practical, interactive way to acquire new skills:

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    Clear theory enabling easy assimilation of new concepts

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    Exercises facilitating information retention

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    Small portions of knowledge motivating to make quick and noticeable progress

After completing the path, you will receive a Specialist Certificate confirming your new skills. Start learning with the C++ Developer path and become a C++ programmer.

Codenga - an experience you will enjoy

Learn interactively
We teach with graphics, repetition and short explanations. All in the comfort of your own browser.
Enjoy the learning
We strive to make every course enjoyable. In the words of a Codenga user: "it doesn't get boring."
Learn fast
"Love the lessons and the interactive methods. Learning will be very fast compared to other study methods."
Complete every course easily
We have come up with some things that should help you to complete every course. Try them and see if they work for you.
Got stuck? There is a support!
Every Codenga course has its curriculum manager that looks after the learning material and is ready to help you if you have any questions.
30 days of Money-back guarantee
You have a generous 30-day return period. No questions asked.

Have any questions?

How does the course work?
Every Codenga course is full of structured knowledge and practical exercises. You start with the basics and you incrementally learn new skills.
How much time do i need to complete the course?
Buying this course you get the lifetime access. You can learn the new skills at your own pace. You can also review the material as many times as you want
Can i still use the course having completed it?
Yes! You get unlimited, lifetime access to the course.
Do i need any prior experience to start the course?
Codenga course are great for beginner programmers. Start with the Level 1 course if it's your fist contact with programming.
Do i need any software to use the course?
The only thing you need is a device with an internet access. No other tools or software necessary.
dot30 days of Money-back guarantee
dotGet help at the every stage of learning
dotRegular updates
Unlimited accessUnlimited access
Support from Codenga TeamSupport from Codenga Team
Works on mobile devicesWorks on mobile devices
Instant feedbackInstant feedback
Certificate of completionCertificate of completion
馃敟 Hot news: In this week, 118 users watched this course.