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Fundamentals of OOP


(3 ratings)

Unlock the Power of Object-Oriented Programming!

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exercises119 exercises
Support from Codenga TeamSupport from Codenga Team
Works on mobile devicesWorks on mobile devices
Instant feedbackInstant feedback
Certificate of completionCertificate of completion
Support for this course is provided by:
Tomasz – Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming Curriculum Manager
🔥 Hot news: In this week, 102 users watched this course.
How it works

The main focus of the course is to teach you the fundamental rules and key concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). It aims to provide a deep understanding of OOP principles that can be applied to various programming languages.

How will this course benefit you?

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    Master the fundamental rules of Object-Oriented Programming

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    Understand important OOP concepts and techniques.

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    Gain universal knowledge that can be applied to various programming languages.


What topics are covered in the course syllabus?

The course covers a broad range of topics related to Object-Oriented Programming. Some of the key topics include:

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    Classes and objects

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    Inheritance and class composition

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    SOLID principles

The course offers a mixture of explanations, exercises, assignments, and practice to help you grasp the core concepts.


Why you should learn OOP principles?

Understanding OOP principles is essential for writing correct and maintainable code. The course emphasizes the significance of grasping these concepts to become a successful software developer.


To enroll in this course, you need to have basic programming knowledge, including concepts like variables, functions, and other fundamental programming ideas. The course doesn't require expertise in a specific programming language; it can be useful for learners of various languages like Python, Java, C#, JavaScript, C++, etc.


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We teach with graphics, repetition and short explanations. All in the comfort of your own browser.
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Check the course curriculum

Ch. 1
Class and object
(7 exercises)
The world around us is full of classes and objects. All you have to do is focus and you will understand how simple it is.
Class and object
Class and object - quiz
Class and object - practice
Ch. 2
Constructor and class fields
(8 exercises)
You will learn how to create objects. To create objects we will use the constructor.
Constructor and class fields
Constructor and class fields - quiz
Constructor and class fields - practice
Ch. 3
(7 exercises)
Classes without methods are of little use. In this stage, you will learn how to build interactions with objects.
Methods - an introduction
Methods - quiz
Methods - practice
Ch. 4
(8 exercises)
Inheritance is often associated with biology. This is a very apt comparison. We will now try to transfer these issues to the world of programming.
Inheritance - quiz
Inheritance - practice

What people are saying about this course?

Average rating


(3 ratings)


Have any questions?

How does the course work?
Every Codenga course is full of structured knowledge and practical exercises. You start with the basics and you incrementally learn new skills.
How much time do i need to complete the course?
Buying this course you get the lifetime access. You can learn the new skills at your own pace. You can also review the material as many times as you want
Can i still use the course having completed it?
Yes! You get unlimited, lifetime access to the course.
Do i need any prior experience to start the course?
Codenga course are great for beginner programmers. Start with the Level 1 course if it's your fist contact with programming.
Do i need any software to use the course?
The only thing you need is a device with an internet access. No other tools or software necessary.
dot30 days of Money-back guarantee
dotGet help at the every stage of learning
dotRegular updates
Unlimited accessUnlimited access
exercises119 exercises
Support from Codenga TeamSupport from Codenga Team
Works on mobile devicesWorks on mobile devices
Instant feedbackInstant feedback
Certificate of completionCertificate of completion
Support for this course is provided by:
Tomasz – Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming Curriculum Manager
🔥 Hot news: In this week, 102 users watched this course.