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Career paths in IT - which to choose?

The IT industry encompasses a wide range of various specializations. It wouldn't be far fetched to say there’s a place for everyone there. In this article we’ll take a closer look at these specializations and see what each of them has to offer to those of you who want to get into IT :)


Many people hearing the term “IT” make an instant connection to programming. Turns out this association may not be entirely correct - programming is just one out of the many possibilities.

The profession of a Programmer or a Developer encompasses everything programming related. A Programmer’s duties can include writing mobile apps, operating systems and so on. They can also include writing apps for household appliances and various machinery: from washing machines to airplanes.

To get started with a programming career you need to - well, learn programming. No other way around it. The language you start with doesn't really make that much of a difference. The most important thing is to master the key techniques and get a general feel for coding. Building a solid foundation will make further improvement a lot easier.

Web Developer

Web Developer is another kind of a programmer. Just remember these labels aren’t very finely defined and their boundaries tend to be pretty fluid.

In the case of Web Devs, it’s pretty straightforward - it’s all about writing web applications. This includes server-based apps (aka. back-end), browser-based apps (so-called front-end) and websites.

So we’re thinking about a programmer that specializes in writing code for web applications. Thus, practical knowledge on the scope of the internet, browsers, servers etc. is more than welcome.

This is a very broad field because, as of now, a huge chunk of softwares works online. Web applications have managed to replace your usual desktop or mobile apps in many cases. Some may even venture to say it’s the most popular programming specialization as of now.


For a piece of software to be released, it needs to undergo detailed testing - and that is exactly what a Tester is responsible for.

This specialization is one interesting way of entry into IT. The demand for testers is still growing, and the skill level necessary for the job is lower than for a developer. Sometimes you don't need any programming skills at all! The most important abilities here are precision, reliability and communication skills.

System Administrator

A System Administrator is the person responsible for keeping systems and servers running seamlessly. The scope of abilities depends, of course, on the specifics of the job position - it’s going to be different for an administrator of a small server, than it is for a system admin of a computing cloud with thousands of users.

Every-day administrative work can include things like system configuration, managing system breakdowns and crashes, making sure everything is running efficiently and a lot more. Managing systems, generally speaking, is a pretty technical job that demands extensive knowledge on a variety of different subjects.

UX/UI Designer

This time around we have a more of a visual specialization, more social than technical.

Did you know that the term UX/UI Designer isn't entirely correct? UI is more about the visual aspects, while UX encompasses interactions and the general impression of using the application; it’s all about designing the app with the user in mind. As long as the final product is user friendly, easy to use and makes it easier to fulfill the app’s main goals, you’re doing a good job :)

This specialization is a fascinating one and just perfect for everyone that takes interest in design, designing user- friendly solutions, caring for user needs etc.

Data Scientist

A Data Scientist is basically a specialist in data. They take care of gathering, classifying and analyzing data. This position often entails creating algorithms for data processing. It’s a very much prospective profession and it’s extremely important for AI development, creating prognoses and statistics - for scientific purposes and more than that.

Here’s the interesting part though - for the position of a Data Scientist, having formal education is actually a big factor. Somebody working this position would need to have some knowledge on statistics and other fields of mathematics. Data Science is an area that often walks the line between academia and business, so it may require some academic foundations.

Security Engineer

Cybersecurity is a very important topic. The multitude of threats in the digital world makes for cybersecurity experts to be in very high demand.

A Security Engineer’s job is to keep all cybersecurity-related systems in the company working correctly. Such person’s responsibilities include all preventative actions against possible cyber-attacks, reacting to any potential threats, nullifying effects of cyber-attacks, educating others on cybersecurity etc. To summarize, it’s a very responsible and important role.


And last but not least, the specialization that encompasses all things customer support - another vital part of the IT industry.

Working this position demands a great familiarity with the product, as well as some troubleshooting and communication skills.

The entry threshold is generally lower than for a Programmer or a System Administrator - you usually don't need any groundbreaking technical skills for customer support. On the other hand, the career prospects in this field are often quite limited, so a lot of people see it as more of a “first steps in the IT industry” thing and not as their target career path.


The IT industry includes a wide choice of diverse career paths. In this article we only were able to present a tiny part of all the options IT has to offer, although we picked the most popular ones to cover. Remember that the industry is constantly growing and new career prospects are constantly popping up! :)