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Python vs. R - Which Language to Choose in Data Science?Python vs. R - Which Language to Choose in Data Science?

Python vs. R - Which Language to Choose in Data Science?

In Data Science, choosing the right tools is very important. The two most popular languages used in this field are Python and R. Choosing one of these languages is not easy, especially if you are starting from scratch.

In this article, you will find a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of Python and R. We hope this will help you decide which language to learn.

Python in Data Science

Advantages of Python

Python is an extremely popular general-purpose language used in many fields: from data processing to web application development.

It is also widely used in Data Science. It has numerous libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, and Matplotlib, which facilitate working with data. These libraries are a very strong point of Python.

Another great advantage is the large amount of educational materials: courses, training, books, and communities. For these reasons, Python is often chosen by beginner programmers.

Disadvantages of Python

Python is a bit slower than compiled languages like C++ or Java. In some applications, for example, in processing large data sets, this can be a problem.

R in Data Science

Advantages of R

R is a specialized language created for data analysis and statistical calculations. It has many built-in functions and libraries that make working with data easier.

R offers advanced statistical functions, making it popular in academic environments.

A strong point of the R language is its tools for data visualization and generating various charts.

Disadvantages of R

The R language has a somewhat less intuitive syntax than Python. This can make it a bit harder to master for beginners. It is also less versatile than Python. It is simply a typical specialized tool that does one thing but does it really well.

What to Choose: Python or R?

Take a look at the table below that summarizes our discussion.


Choose if you want to learn a versatile language with many applications.Choose if you are focused on statistical calculations and data visualization.

Python, being a more flexible language, can provide you with broader career development opportunities. Even if you do not pursue a career in Data Science, knowing Python can help you work in other fields such as web development.

Of course, this does not mean that R is a bad choice. On the contrary, its advanced statistical calculation capabilities and ease of creating charts ensure its permanent place in the broad field of data analysis.

In practice, Data Science specialists often know both languages and can thus best utilize their potential.