(2 ratings)
Have you mastered the basics of algorithms? So take the next step and master the most common encryption algorithms.
This course, apart from programming, is also a fascinating journey through history. You will see that some foundations of algorithmic thinking were already present more than 2000 years ago. You will also see how the complexity and effectiveness of encryption have changed over time. You will also have plenty of opportunities to gain real-world practice while working with code.
“Text encryption, lots of practice, lots of thinking. An opportunity to gain unique skills.”
Tomasz - Algorithms Curriculum Manager
With this course, you will master many encryption algorithms.
You will learn the classic Caesar cipher, which serves as an introduction to the subject of encryption algorithms.
You will master the AtBash cipher and the Bacon cipher.
You will learn how ROT13 and ROT47 work.
You will learn Vigenere's complex cipher.
The course is full of practical assignments and brief theory. You will begin with an in-depth explanation of each of the ciphers. Then you will perform a series of tasks verifying your understanding of the subject. We will provide you with guidelines, and you will write the code responsible for encoding and decoding the text yourself. This course is a collection of mini-projects. You will have a chance to gain experience in solving problems with code.
All examples and tasks in the course are based on the Python language. Its simple syntax allows you to focus on what is really important.
The knowledge contained in the course is very universal, so you can use it to work in other languages. The most important thing is to understand the logic of the algorithm itself. That is what programming is all about.
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