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Forecasts for the IT industry in 2024

Forecasts for the IT industry in 2024

There are various, often quite extreme opinions circulating about the state of the IT industry in 2024. Some predict downfall, while others argue that the crisis is temporary. We've decided to take a closer look at the forecasts for the IT industry. In this article, you'll find an overview of the most promising specializations and general considerations about the future of the entire industry.

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Main development directions

We have prepared a list of fields that will have a huge significance in the IT industry in the coming years.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Recently, there have been many media reports about AI that could revolutionize the entire IT industry and other areas of life.

At this stage, it's still unclear what the future will bring. However, there is no doubt that the demand for specialists in Developer贸w and broadly defined Artificial Intelligence will remain high.

Internet of Things (IoT)

More and more devices are connected to the Internet. Hence, there is great potential for professional development for specialists in the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). Knowledge in this field includes networking issues, device programming, integration of different systems, etc.


The increasing digitization brings certain threats related to the security of our data and other confidential information. The growing number of cyberattacks creates a high demand for specialists in cybersecurity.

Cloud computing

A large amount of current IT infrastructure operates in the so-called cloud. Instead of building their own infrastructure (servers, databases, etc.), an increasing number of companies decide to rent necessary elements in the form of cloud services.

This means that there will be a high demand for specialists in popular cloud platforms in the coming years:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Microsoft Azure


By 2024, the 5G network is already quite widespread. This means that an even greater number of products and services will be available in digital form.

From the perspective of the IT industry, this translates to a high demand for Web Developers developing web applications and programmers building mobile applications

Robotics and automation

Digital transformation will affect every industry. There is potential for automation in every field, from production to customer service.

Specialists in automation will not complain about a lack of work. It should be remembered that this is a very broad concept. It can include many specializations: creating robots, writing software, implementing processes that automate work, etc.

The IT industry will not collapse

There has been much talk recently about a crisis in IT. And there may even be some truth to it, looking at the decreasing number of meaningful job offers, for example, for programmers.

However, it should not be forgotten that most crises are temporary - what is happening now may not necessarily work the same way in five years.

The IT industry is a very dynamic part of the modern economy. Despite temporary disruptions, it still has a great future.

The industry may of course change. New professions may emerge, and current ones may lose their significance. However, complete collapse is rather unlikely. IT is too important for today's economy and our daily lives.

It's still worth pursuing a career in IT

That's why it's worth seriously considering a career in the IT industry. Don't be afraid of temporary fluctuations and disruptions.

The IT industry offers a great variety of career paths. There is room for programmers, designers, managers, marketers, and more. Even if a particular specialization faces temporary difficulties, other fields are developing very quickly. Think long-term - the sooner you start learning, the sooner you'll achieve success.

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