Autor: 30.12.2022
Codenga reviews: why people are learning with us
Learning to code can be very challenging. There are many concepts to learn. There are many techniques to master. To make things worse, most of us have a very limited amount of time that we can spare for learning. That’s why it’s extremely important to make the greatest use of the time available.
We build Codenga with a simple idea in mind: minimum amount of theory and maximum amount of practice. Since we have a limited amount of time, let’s use it in the most efficient way. Let’s learn as much practical skills as possible.
Codenga is all about making your learning more efficient. Let’s take a look at the most important features of Codenga courses.
Focus on a single concept at a time
To be honest - programming is not easy. Learning to program can be a daunting task, especially for a complete beginner. That’s why Codenga courses are divided into short chunks. Learn the first concept, test your knowledge and only then try to learn another concept.
You will always be sure that there aren’t any gaps in your knowledge. And you won't have any problems mastering more difficult concepts when you get the basics right.
“The key strength of this approach to study is focus--understanding one key concept at a time and all in the comfort of your browser.”
Nestor Jaba-an
Short and concise explanations - a key to understanding
We strive to make the necessary theoretical parts as short and concise as possible. We use a simple, understandable language because we want our courses to be accessible to everyone. If you have a basic command of the English language, you won’t have any problems following Codenga courses.
”The initial explanations are very good and not too long. This is more of a 'learn by example' approach which works very well.”
Mohamed Shaheedullah
“Everything in course is very well and carefully explained!”
Dmytro Pichlavich
The crucial part - interactive exercises
The main bulk of learning is done through interactive exercises. And there are lots of them in every Codenga course. As they say: practice makes perfect!
Most Codenga courses give you multiple chances to test your knowledge and re-learn the missing bits. Usually, you will also be tasked with a final Exam at the end of the course.
“The interactive practice with multiple choice, fill in the blanks and in-browser coding really enhance the learning. Overall, it was excellent learning and I enjoyed it as well.”
Mohamed Shaheedullah
“A beginner can easily grasp the fundamentals with this approach. You would realize that C# is surprisingly easy.”
Nestor Jaba-an
“Builds nicely on Level 1 skills and includes the basics of Object Oriented Programming. The lessons work very well with explanations (including pictures) that are not too long but include all the information you need, these need to be read carefully. Then there are the interactive exercises to test your knowledge and help you remember. Overall, excellent, I can recommend this course.”
Mohamed Shaheedullah
Codenga Career Paths - your gateway into a dream job
Every beginner programmer struggles with a very important question: what should I learn? Here is the crux of the problem: at the beginning of our journey we don’t know which concepts are important and which can be omitted. Codenga Career Paths are ready-made solution to this problem. They will teach you all the necessary skills and will allow you to quickly jump-start your career.
No prerequisites are required - you will gain all the necessary skills starting at level 0. Don’t know which Career Path to choose? Here are our proposals.
Python Developer - simple and beginner friendly programming language. Great choice if you have never coded before.
Web Developer - good choice if you want to create websites.
SQL Developer - choose this Path if you want to work with data and databases.
You can browse our complete selection of Codenga Career Paths here.
Start learning now
Codenga is all about: focused learning, concise theory and interactive exercises. For the time being, you can choose from over 80 courses and 10 career paths. And the numbers are constantly growing! Select the skills you want to master and start learning now. Good luck!