Autor: 21.03.2024
How to Find and Fix Bugs in Code (Debugging)
Debugging is the process of finding and fixing bugs in code. It is a crucial skill that every programmer should possess. Even the best programmers make mistakes, but the ability to find and fix them is what sets them apart from beginners. Here are a few basic debugging techniques.
Understanding the Code
The first step in debugging is to fully understand the code. Try to identify what the code is supposed to do and what actions it performs. The deeper your understanding of the code, the easier it will be to find any potential bugs. Analyze functions, classes, etc. Try to understand what they are responsible for and how they interact with each other.
Step-by-Step Testing
Execute the code step by step, analyzing the results after each step. This will help you identify the point at which the error occurs. You can use debugging tools offered by the development environment, such as breakpoints, which allow you to pause code execution at a specific point.
Check Input Data
Errors often arise from incorrect input data. Check if the input data matches the expectations and requirements of the code. For example, if you have a function, try to check what kind of data it expects. Verify if the data is appropriate.
Use Logs
Insert logs into your code to track its execution flow. This will make it easier to track what happens at different moments and identify the source of the problem. Sometimes, a simple function printing values to the screen can serve as a log. Identify the noteworthy places and output the values that need inspection.
Unit Tests
Create unit tests to verify the operation of individual code fragments. These tests can help detect errors earlier, before they are introduced into production.
Most Common Types of Errors
Syntax Errors
Result from incorrect syntax in the code, such as missing semicolons or parentheses. In many languages, such errors are known as Unexpected Token. These errors are relatively easy to catch, especially in compiled languages.
Logical Errors
Arise when the code executes but does not behave as expected. This category is usually much harder to debug. Often, they are minor, subtle errors that are difficult to catch at first glance.
Runtime Errors
Appear when the code is executed and encounters a problem that prevents its further execution, such as division by zero.
The ability to debug is essential for every programmer. Understanding the code, systematic testing, and using debugging tools and techniques will help you quickly find and fix bugs. Good luck!