Article by: 17.10.2022
Java Developer: where to start?
For a long time Java has been a consistent lead among the most popular programming languages. For many programmers the language’s become a means to a successful career.
Java is widely used in many fields, like banking, insurance, mobile apps, desktop apps and so on. Such great popularity directly translates into the amount of job offers for programmers knowing the language.
Everyone has to start somewhere of course. The first position that is usually the starting point for many is the Junior Java Developer position. So - what do you need to know to start your dream job as a Java programmer?
What you need to know
Here you’ve got to start with getting to know the basics of Java. You need to master the key elements: the language’s syntax, loops, functions, conditional statements etc. These are the fundamental skills, which can’t be skipped-over to go forward.
Java is an object-oriented programming language - this is why it’s crucial to get a grasp of the object-oriented aspects: classes, methods, constructors, inheritance and interfaces. They are the elements that you’ll have a brush with every time you code in Java. You need to understand these elements well and know how to use them in practice.
When you’re well acquainted with the above-mentioned concepts, it’s worth considering expanding your skills even further. In programming knowledge about the most important data structures, such as Queues, Lists and Stacks. You’ll need to know their differences, characteristics and when to use each one.
You may want to broaden your skill set with functional programming, which has been becoming more and more popular in recent years among Java users. It might not be necessary knowledge at the beginning, but it’ll be a cool addition to your résumé.
Many Java applications are written with support from so-called frameworks. Their job is to deliver a certain - well, frame of the app and some ready-to-go functionalities. In practice this translates to the ability to create and develop your programming project faster.
A popular example of such framework is Spring. Consider learning these types of tools after you have a good understanding of the language’s basics. Familiarity with Spring or any other popular framework may prove useful when looking for a job as a Java Developer.
Most Java applications use databases. It’d be worth it, then, to learn the most important techniques of working with databases.
In most cases, the databases will be using SQL, so you could start with learning its basics. Learn how to write database queries, get the necessary abilities to create tables, master the most important data types and learn how to get the data from the tables based on given criteria. These are very universal skills that can come in handy when working in Java and otherwise.
Practice is key
Programming as a job demands a foundation of practice, it’s a field where the expectation is to get tangible effects from your work. That’s why it’s good to start working on your own projects - even very simple ones.
It could be a simple app, like a to-do list - the one essential requirement is to get the project started. After that you can add onto it as your skillset grows stronger.
Projects like this can show a hypothetical employer that you know how to use Java in practice, and that you know how to write working code. It could be the one deciding factor on whether you get the job.
There’s always going to be work for Java Developers, as Java itself is very popular. It means thousands of various projects, thousands of applications in different areas of life - banking to mobile apps.
All these apps have to be maintained, developed and fixed, so the demand for Java Developers will stay high for a long time, as the market is simply very much absorbent.
Summary - where to start with Java
If you’re seriously considering taking on a career as a Java Developer, start your preparations according to this:
1. Basics of Java: syntax, loops, functions, data types etc.
2. Object-oriented aspects of Java: classes, interfaces, inheritance.
3. Learn the essential data structures and collections
4. Master the basics of functional programming
At this stage you will have a fairly decent skill set when it comes to Java.All the above-mentioned skills you can gain on the career path of a Java Developer.
The next step you take could be getting familiar with some popular frameworks’ basics, like Spring. In addition, learning the basics of databases and SQL. We couldn't possibly underestimate how important it is to work on your own projects on each and every stage of your education.
Take studying seriously and learn the aforementioned skills, and it should only be a matter of time before you find yourself with a Junior Java Developer position!