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Markdown - Beginner's Guide

Markdown - Beginner's Guide

Markdown is a simple markup language. It allows for easy conversion of text into valid HTML code. Markdown is used for creating notes, technical documentation, on internet forums, and more.

Markdown Syntax

With Markdown, you can very easily create basic content elements. Look at a few examples.


A level 1 header will contain one # sign, a level 2 header will contain ##, and so on. Check out the code below. You have up to 6 levels at your disposal.

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

The result of the code is as follows:

Check out the code below


Inserting a link in the content is very easy. Links are created using square brackets for the text and round brackets for the URL.


The result is as follows:

Operation of Markdown links


Inserting images into the content is just as easy. Insert an exclamation mark, alternative text in square brackets, and the image URL in round brackets.

![logo codenga](

The result is as follows:

How to insert an image in text in markdown


We can very easily write lists in Markdown. Unordered lists can be created using the “+” sign, and ordered lists are almost the same as traditional writing - we just use consecutive numbers.

Look at the example use of lists:

+ one 
+ two 
+ three 
1. Mike
2. John 
3. Tom

The result is as follows:

How to use markdown lists

Text Formatting in Markdown

Now look at the ways to format text in Markdown.

Bold in Markdown can be applied by using two “” signs between the words you are interested in, and italics by using a single “” sign. Look at the practical use of these signs.

_My_ name is __John Doe__

The result is as follows:

Bold and italics in markdown

Editing MD Files

Markdown in many ways resembles plain text. To work with this language, no sophisticated tools are needed. Files containing Markdown have the extension MD (example: “”).

Most popular code editors support Markdown syntax. Examples include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, Notepad++. Markdown is also supported by many online platforms such as GitHub. There are also simple online editors for working with this language, like the popular StackEdit. Examples of Markdown Usage Markdown is often used to create documentation for software projects. It is used to describe code repositories on the popular GitHub service, add user instructions, and other important information.

Popular services and blogging platforms such as Medium, Ghost, or Jekyll also use Markdown.

Other applications include note-taking and to-do list apps. Markdown is also used by popular messengers and team collaboration tools such as Slack or Trello


Markdown is a simple and lightweight markup language. It is perfect for situations where a straightforward way of formatting text is needed. For this reason, it is often used for creating documentation, notes, and text messages.