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What is open source?

What is open source?

Open source software is software whose source code is publicly available. This means that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance this code. Everyone can create their own version of the program, adapted to their own needs. Open source software is often created voluntarily, often in the free time of programmers.

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Key features

  • Open source software can be downloaded, run, and used by anyone for any purpose.
  • The source code is available to everyone, allowing insight into every detail of how the program works.
  • Open source software is created by communities of programmers voluntarily gathered around a project.
  • Open source provides flexibility - if you have the appropriate skills, you can freely modify the software and customize it to your needs.

Popular open source licenses

There are different types of open source licenses. They differ in fairly significant details that affect the ability to use and distribute the software. Below are examples of the most popular licenses.

GNU General Public License (GPL)

This is a fairly common license. It requires that any modifications we make to the software use the same license. There are two main versions: GPLv2 and GPLv3.

MIT License

With software under this license, we can do almost anything, provided we maintain the terms of the original license and include information about the original author. This is a very popular and relatively unrestricted license.

Apache License

Similar to MIT. The source code of software created using projects released under this license does not have to be open. So, we don't have to release such a program as open source.

Examples of open source software

Open source software is widely used in many fields. You've probably used such software many times. Open source is responsible for many modern and widely used technologies.

Linux operating system

Linux is one of the most popular examples of a successful open source project. Countless devices use Linux: computers, phones, or servers.

Mozilla Firefox

This popular browser is also a great example of open source software.


This content management system (CMS) is used to create blogs and websites. Literally millions of different websites use it.

Python language

Python is a simple, friendly programming language with many uses.


A popular version control system, it is the foundation of work in many programming teams.


This containerization tool allows for easy deployment and running of applications. It is another tool that facilitates teamwork.

Drawbacks of open source

If we decide to use open source software, it's worth considering some drawbacks. A significant problem can be the lack of support from the authors - in case of problems, you are either on your own or reliant on community help.

Sometimes open source projects offer a smaller set of features compared to commercial counterparts. On the other hand, they can be so complex that using them requires expert knowledge and significant skills.

It also happens sometimes that open source projects are abandoned by their authors. No changes or fixes are made to them.


Open source software brings us many benefits - transparency, the ability to modify source code, and the ability to use software for any purpose. Open source is responsible for many popular and highly valued technologies. For many programmers, it is also an opportunity to participate in interesting and developmental projects.

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